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School Lunch Update 2022-23
Posted on 08/04/2022

School LunchDear Meridian Families

The federal program that has allowed school districts across the country to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students regardless of income has expired as of June 30, 2022. Since 2020, this program has eliminated the need to collect payments for school meals for any student.

At this time, the federal government has not extended the waivers for next school year to allow free meals for all students. As a result, schools across the nation will be reverting back to free and reduced-price meals based on income eligibility guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

During the 2022-23 school year, families who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch will have to pay for school meals. Students whose families are eligible for free or reduced price  breakfast or lunch will be able to access meals next school year at no cost or a discounted rate. Since this adjustment may create a financial burden on some of our families, we are writing to give you advance notice of this change. Between now and the start of next school year, our Board of Education, district administration and Director of Food Services will continue to explore ways we can help families with this adjustment. At no point would we ever want any child to go hungry at school.

We are currently working to enter our direct certification students as provided to us by the state.  If you are on this list, you will receive a letter from our Director of Food Services.  If you have not received a letter, you will need to fill out a free and reduced income application.  The applications are available on our website under the Departments tab and then selecting Food Service, or in the district office.

Thank you for all of your support this school year. Let’s end this school year strong and have a great summer! If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Reber at


Dr. Caposey